
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Failed

Automatic generation of the file css-forms-1/Overview.html failed.

This site is currently serving the version from 2025-03-12 13:36:05 PDT.

Bikeshed reported the following:

Bringing data files up-to-date...
Updating via manifest...
Gathering local manifest data...
Fetching remote manifest data...
FATAL ERROR: Something's gone wrong with the remote data; I can't read its timestamp. Please report this!
Falling back to a manual update...
Downloading anchor data from Webref...
WARNING: Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'dom-level-2-style'.
WARNING: Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'selectors-nonelement-1'.
WARNING: Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'tracking-dnt'.
|████████████████████████████████████████| 587/587 [100%] in 5:31.3 (1.77/s) 
Downloading biblio data...
FATAL ERROR: Biblio line in unexpected format:
404: Not Found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/bin/bikeshed", line 8, in 
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bikeshed/cli.py", line 445, in main
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bikeshed/update/main.py", line 108, in fixupDataFiles
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bikeshed/update/main.py", line 55, in update
    "biblio": updateBiblio.update(path=path, dryRun=dryRun) if biblio else None,
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bikeshed/update/updateBiblio.py", line 19, in update
    biblio.processReferBiblioFile(getCSSWGData(), biblios, order=4)
  File "/sites/api.csswg.org/python310venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bikeshed/biblio.py", line 230, in processReferBiblioFile
KeyError: 'linkText'

Please correct the error and update the source file.

Last Bikeshed run at 2025-03-13 11:21:06 PDT