
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Errors

Automatic generation of the file css-grid-2/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:

WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/flex-layout.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/grid-layout.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/basic-form.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/game-smaller.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/game-larger.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/game-portrait.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/game-landscape.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/grid-lines.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/drawing-order.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/grid-named-lines.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/auto-placed-form.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/subgrid-gap-normal.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/subgrid-gap-0px.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/subgrid-gap-25px.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/subgrid-gap-75px.png'
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'float' with spec 'css22'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'clear' with spec 'css22'.
LINK ERROR: Ambiguous for-less link for 'repeat()', please see <https://speced.github.io/bikeshed/#ambi-for> for instructions:
Local references:
spec:css-grid-2; type:function; for:<auto-repeat>; text:repeat()
spec:css-grid-2; type:function; for:<fixed-repeat>; text:repeat()
spec:css-grid-2; type:function; for:<name-repeat>; text:repeat()
spec:css-grid-2; type:function; for:<track-repeat>; text:repeat()
for-less references:
spec:css-gaps-1; type:function; for:/; text:repeat()
FATAL ERROR: Couldn't find section '#q10.0' in spec 'css2':
FATAL ERROR: Couldn't find section '/visudet#blockwidth' in spec 'css2':
  Successfully generated, but fatal errors were suppressed

Last Bikeshed run at 2025-03-13 11:21:07 PDT